In most households, there’s high energy demand in the morning and evening, yet your solar generation is at its highest during the middle of the day. A battery storage system balances the supply and demand difference for those away from home in the day, and those who simply produce more than they need during daylight hours.
Our battery storage systems can easily be programmed to make the most of low-cost overnight energy. Batteries can be set to fill up in the middle of the night when the price per kW is just a few pence, ready for you to use at peak times. If you don’t use it all, the battery can sell its energy back to your supplier at a much higher price at peak rates (subject to individual tariff and supplier).
Being able to store surplus energy could free you from the pressures of buying energy at a premium. The excess energy stored during the daytime can be called upon at night or when output is lower on overcast days without paying a penny to your energy supplier.
Installing solar batteries as part of your PV system could help you recover the initial outlay of your panels even quicker. Depending on the size of your system and the initial cost of installation, it could shave as much as 9 years off your break-even time!
An investment in solar battery storage is a future-proofing solution that won’t let you down. With energy prices continuing to fluctuate, stored supplies provide the assurance that you won’t be left out of pocket should future challenges arise. Increased use of renewables is great for the planet too, with your reduced carbon footprint beneficial on a bigger scale.
Optimal Electricity cost
Compact size & easy installation
Easy to scale up
With high performance, optimal efficiency, reliability, easy installation, long lifespan and the scope for future expansion all coming as standard with our battery storage solutions, you’ll be in great hands with Halo Energy.
To find out more about what you can expect from our batteries, please contact us today.