Boost, saves over £6k using solar PV

  • Commercial Solar

Our client, Boost, saves over £6k using solar PV

Boost now generates over 55,000 kwh of electricity and reduces its carbon footprint by 33 tons of C02 a year.

Boost had a goal to reduce their carbon footprint whilst slashing their electricity bills at the same time, via the installation of solar PV.

Halo Energy Ltd proposed a PV system comprising of 125 solar panels which reduced their need for grid purchased energy by 40% saving them more than £6000 per year.

Overview of the system

  • Electricity Generation  -  55,000 kwh per year                     
  • C02 emissions save  -  33 tons per year                          
  • Payback period  -  year 5

Halo Energy Ltd installed 125 JA Solar 450w mono-crytaline panels coupled with a 55kw inverter. Additionally, we installed a monitor system so Boost could view the solar systems performance in real time and historically, on line.





Get in touch about Commercial Solar

Get in touch with the team at Halo Energy Ltd to find out how we can help you with all your Commercial Solar PV requirements.


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